What Is the Golden Rule of Safety? Ultimate Explanation

Who doesn’t want a workplace where no one gets hurt and returns to their family safely every day? It is not only wanted by the employees but the employers also want the same. It would be a great hassle for an employer if one of his colleagues is seriously injured or worse.

To prevent this risk, companies provide the Golden Rule of Safety. It sets an outline for minimal safety requirements to keep you and your workmate safe and provides potential guidelines for reducing the risk of serious injuries and fatalities.

Let’s learn in more detail about the Golden Rule of Safety in this article below.

What Is the Golden Rule of Safety

What Is Meant by Golden Rules of Safety?

To understand the golden rules of safety, you need to know what the golden rule is and why it is called the golden rule.

Golden Rule is a basic principle that needs to be followed to achieve success in general or in a particular activity. It guides people to choose something for others that they would choose for themselves. It is called the “Golden” rule because in this rule you’ll find respect and a caring attitude towards one another.

The Golden Rule of Safety is also similar to the Golden Rule but in terms of safety purposes only. These rules are provided to keep ourselves and our workmates safe during any high-risk activities.

Anyone under this rule has the power to stop work if it is unsafe. In that case, they’ll need to follow the Golden Safety Rules to make decisions. For example, if you aren’t sure whether you should continue the work or not under an unfavorable situation, you should check the golden rule of safety; And if you found the answer – ‘No’, you should immediately stop the work.

Why Are Golden Safety Rules Important?

Golden Safety Rules are important because they not only protect the life of employees and customers but also protect the reputation of the company. It also increases the productivity of the company by reducing on-job accidents and injuries.

On the other hand, it works as a guide to the employees as they can identify and understand the risk using the golden rule of safety and use initiative according to the rule to make their lives safe from any risks.

Golden Rules for Making Golden Rules of Safety

Now you know that the golden rule of safety is to identify risks and keep everyone safe. But how do you point out the risks and make a golden rule for your company to keep everyone safe?

To make golden rules of safety you need to follow the golden rules. Here are some of the golden rules to make the golden rules of safety –

  1. Keep the total number of rules as few as you can.
  2. There should have enough flexibility for human fallibility.
  3. Make sure that they are rules, not commands. i.e., “I won’t” instead of “Don’t”.
  4. Consult with the intellectual people of the company before setting the rules.
  5. Make sure to educate all the employees about the rules so that they can understand them easily.
  6. The rules must be relevant to the environment and situation of the workplace.
  7. The rules must cover high risks that can cause serious injuries and worse.
  8. You just need to define the responsibility clearly in the rules.
  9. Be specific about the rules – what they are and how to comply.
  10. You need to choose an individual to control the rules.
  11. The rules should be concise and clear.
  12. Need to mention the penalty for breaking the rules and make sure the penalty fits the crime. For breaches, use words like “may result in disciplinary action or termination”.
  13. Mention what to do if there is no way without breaching the golden rules of safety. i.e., “Stop work and consult with the Manager”.

If you still have any confusion about the golden safety rules, it will surely vanish if you check some examples of the golden rules of safety. 

Some Examples of the Golden Rule for Auto Safety

Here are some examples of the golden rules of safety –

  1.  Use Your Seat Belt

As it isn’t in your hand to prevent accidents, but you can minimize the damage you sustain in the accident at least. It can save your and other’s life in the vehicle. So, always wear seatbelts and don’t move an inch until everyone has it safely locked.

  1. Respect Laws and Others on the Road

You need to respect laws and others when it comes to safety. You should follow the traffic lights, stay in the same lane, and don’t change lanes frequently. Always look before your leap and use indicators while changing lanes. Also, respect others on the road. Don’t speed up while someone is passing you.

  1. Avoid Eating or Using Your Phone While Driving

It is hard to concentrate on the road if you eat or use your mobile device while driving. It leads to accidents in most cases. So, if you need to eat or use the phone, you need to park your vehicle. Do not read newspapers, or books or even drink in the vehicle.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

What Are 5 Basic Safety Rules?

The 5 basic safety rules are here:

  1. Always wear your seatbelt when in a vehicle and wear a helmet when on a bike.
  2. Always check equipment and tools.
  3. Always use fall protection when working at heights.
  4. Stay out of blind spots of heavy equipment.
  5. Never stay in the line of fire.

What is the first rule of safety?

The first rule of safety is – “Safety first”. It means equip with safety measures in order to reduce the possibility of risks.

How Many Golden Rules of Safety Are There?

How many golden rules of safety are there, completely depends on the situation and environment of the workplace. It can be different for different companies and situations. However, it should be as few as possible.

What Is the 7r Golden Rule?

The 7r golden rule is to Take leadership. It indicates identifying hazards, controlling risks, defining targets, developing programs, being organized, and ensuring a safe and healthy system. 


What is the golden rule of safety is described in this article and now we hope you’ve understood what it means, why it is necessary, and how to make these rules after reading this guide. If you still have any confusion regarding this topic, don’t hesitate to ask in our comment section below. Thanks for reading.

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